Digital Tax
Every day, the tax function gets more dynamic, comprehensive, and difficult. Technology is playing a greater role in tax than ever before. Digital tax strategy addresses tax from numerous aspects, including tax department operations.
IFM’s Tax Technology and Transformation team helps you navigate the digital tax agenda by delivering technology-based solutions to future-proof your tax function.
Tax Transformation
As the workplace grows more digital, it becomes more complex and demanding, ushering in a hyper-connected global economy with new business models that require transformation. Our Tax Transformation solution assesses a company’s tax function on its major pillars – People, Process, and Technology – and helps develop a roadmap for Connected Tax, converting the tax function into a real-time business partner. We focus on tax technology and innovation, as well as improving the tax function to stay up with global trends.
Tax – Intelligent Automation
RPA follows instructions and reproduces manual techniques to perform jobs. Companies have gone from testing RPA to adopting Digital BOTs. Cognitive and artificial intelligence are still in the early phases of supply-side maturity and adoption. We are concerned with the current and future condition of tax technology and innovation, as well as the execution of tax function advancements to stay up with worldwide trends.
Agile Tax
Agile Tax is a tax approach offered by SAP to address client business transformation. This transformation and technology enablement solution addresses the tax implications of the client’s overall organization change and the tax department’s transformation to unify tax procedures, technology, and people. Agile Tax helps firms become connected, compliant, and strategic by allowing them to: Changing market dynamics, consumer/corporate requirements, stakeholder expectations, and regulatory mandates, Insightful, accurate, and actionable data, Efficient in offering high-quality back-office services at a low cost and Adaptable to market conditions.
Tax & Finance Outsourcing
Companies are using bold and distinctive solutions to fit their tax and financial demands now and in the future. IFM monitors and optimizes your tax and finance operations. Our outsourced/co-sourced operational models provide specific benefits through Dashboards and analytics improve risk management, Agile methodology to handle changing demands, better business relationships, Increased time on key competencies and essential areas, stopping leaks, Institutionalizing knowledge lessens people’s reliance, Standardized tax and finance systems for global compliance and Risk-free investments include people, processes, and technology.
Data Analytics in Tax
IFM’s network of professionals combines technical knowledge, industry experience, and regional and cultural sensitivity. We uncover indirect tax risk areas and sustainable planning opportunities across the tax life cycle using advanced tools and procedures, helping you meet compliance and business goals around the world. We provide practical solutions to improve daily reporting, reduce mistakes and expenditures, and guarantee indirect taxes are handled properly.