Governance Risk & Compliance

Risk management and compliance can protect a company’s operations and reputation. We help organizations of all sizes become more ethical, resilient, and competitive by identifying systemic or structural difficulties.

Our risk and compliance services include financial risk consulting and compliance consulting. We consider financial, nonfinancial, operational, and strategic risks. This allows us to help our clients expand their businesses while avoiding risks, anticipating regulatory changes, and adopting ethical practices, which helps them acquire the trust of employees, stakeholders, investors, and the public.

Compliance / Crisis response

We help clients with compliance, ethics, and anti-financial crime. We prioritize people and culture while streamlining and developing compliance operations.

Risk Management and Control

We help businesses make risk management and compliance decisions using best-in-class analytics. We use an innovative technique to automate and streamline industry processes. We assist with risk assessment, reporting, control plan documentation, and implementation.

Auditing and Reviewing

Evaluating performance, reviewing processes, assisting internal audit teams, quantitative analysis for audits and internal records.

Credit Risk

We create new end-to-end credit procedures to improve our clients’ credit possibilities.

Commodity Risk

We manage commodities market risk with industry, merchants, and banks to make profit. Our whole portfolio covers commercial and trade strategy, operations and IT deployment, and more.

Operational Risks

To manage operational risks efficiently, we help clients identify operational hazards inside their organizations and integrate security mechanisms.

Governance / Compliance

Customized governance for fraud, corruption, etc. and Compliance support for CSR, anti-social law, GDPR, etc.

Climate, Environmental, Social, and Governance Risks

We help customers achieve ESG compliance and net-zero energy use. We provide clients with climate monitoring, scenario analysis, and ESG principles in risk management and compliance.